Orders placed between 1/17/2023 and 1/19/2023 will be filled on Friday, 1/20/2023. Thanks.
NuRelief Gas Relief Liquid is the first and only liquid simethicone product available for the over-the-counter shelves of major retailers. Simethicone allows gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines to come together more easily, thereby facilitating the passage of gas.
NuRelief Antacid tabs are used to treat symptoms caused by too much stomach acid. These symptoms include heartburn, sour stomach, upset stomach and indigestion. NuRelief’s active ingredient (calcium carbonate) works fast and effectively by neutralizing stomach acid. NuRelief antacid tabs are the first and only antacid tabs made with both organic aloe juice and naturally derived fennel.
These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.